
Potential Pitfall (Part 2) - A-Level GP Paper 1

Potential Pitfall (part 2)

Here is part 2 of the potential pitfall/s that appeared in the 2023 A-Level GP Paper.


⁠‘Fossil fuels should no longer have a part in the production of energy.’ Discuss.

Pitfall 1: 


Candidates often focus on the topic first without considering whether they can manage the evaluation keyword – no longer. This is an evaluation trigger that needs to be brought out when writing the essay.


The strategy to consider “no longer” is to state the kind of the world in the past that made fossil fuels play an integral part in the production of energy. After this step is completed, discuss how the world today has changed and how having fossil fuel to produce energy has a negative impact.

Pitfall 2: 


The only subject of the question is fossil fuels. Candidates tend to discuss other sources of energy such as solar, wind, etc, to discuss how these cleaner sources should be the sources for energy production. This will hijack the question!


Focus on the good and bad of fossil fuels and avoid other energy sources.

Pitfall 3: 


A lesser but possible problem is the understanding of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are a type of natural fuel that is formed from the remains of dead plants and animals over an extremely long period measured in millions of years. Examples of fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas. Biofuel is also natural, not a fossil fuel. This is because it is not formed from the remains of dead organisms over millions of years. Anyway, to digress a little, biofuel is not necessarily a clean source of energy, because it can have negative impacts on the environment such as deforestation, water pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, etc.


It can happen during an examination that candidates are unsure of what fossil fuel encompasses. The golden rule to apply when this happens is to avoid the question. There are 7 other questions (based on the new syllabus) to attempt. However, if the candidate still wishes to try this question, then narrow the definition to one that the candidate has confidence in correctness. In this case, surely, candidates would know that fossil fuel includes coal, oil, and natural gas.